
Intuit quickbooks 2015 amazon
Intuit quickbooks 2015 amazon

Is it really from or is it just pretending to be ? The sending email server claims to be from the domain. Note: If you want to learn how to examine email headers to extract useful information, see my one-hour webinar on the topic. The first (at the bottom of the header) “Received:” line, which reveals what email server sent the message is shown below:

intuit quickbooks 2015 amazon intuit quickbooks 2015 amazon

When I looked at the email’s message header, I get further clues that this email is from really from Intuit.

intuit quickbooks 2015 amazon

That is a big clue that this email payment request is legit. Note that the link points to the domain, same domain that the email originated from. When I hovered over the “Review and pay” button to see what URL was underlying it, I get this: There’s a second clue that I’ll cover more below. The only difference is it might be from a company you do not recognize ( Social Engineering Red Flag #1). The fake QuickBooks’ payment emails look very much the same. I recently received it for a company who cleaned my boat. Here is what a legitimate QuickBooks payment request looks like. QuickBooks, the company and its support staff, never will, but QuickBooks email payment requests often do. Note: Some other QuickBooks scam warnings will tell you that QuickBooks will never ask for your ACH or banking details. So, if the victim falls for the scam, the criminal now has their bank account information. Worse, the payment request can require that the payee use ACH (automated clearing house) method, which requires the payee to input their bank account details. The emails appear as if they are coming from a legitimate vendor using QuickBooks, but if the potential victim takes the bait, the invoice they pay will be to the scammer. Unfortunately, phishing criminals are using QuickBooks’ popularity to send business email compromise (BEC) scams.

intuit quickbooks 2015 amazon

Intuit touts QuickBooks’ ability to send email invoices here. Still, if you are using QuickBooks for your accounting, the ability to generate, send, receive and electronically track invoices all in one place is a pretty easy sell. It used to be a free, but less mature, feature years ago, but these days, it costs extra. The payee can click on a “Review and pay” button in the email to pay the invoice. One of those add-on features is the ability to send customers’ invoices via email. They usually start out using its easy-to-use base accounting program and then the QuickBooks program aggressively pushes other complimentary features. Many small and mid-sized companies use Intuit’s very popular QuickBooks program.

Intuit quickbooks 2015 amazon